Thursday 20 July 2017

3 Research Steps Before Creating Your Book Proposal

You can find the works of many up and coming writers on various eBook sites like Mediagemm and their reviews on many forums. It is important as an upcoming writer to pay attention to detail and concentrate on the research part of the deal with an open mind. Writing a book these days is not just about executing an idea that you have. You need to consider from the point of view of your audience. You would need to take care of certain steps to achieve this.

1. Research Your Competitor's Titles

Titles owned by your competitors but covering the same topic as you is the best possible place to start your research. Visit bookstores, libraries, signing conventions etc. to get a rough idea about the latest books on your topic.

2. Search Digital Media

In today's age, it is quite naive to think that your competition only exists in the print world. You would need to thoroughly go through the digital world as well. There might be several or a few blogs out there that cover the same topic as you do.

3. In Depth Understanding Of Specific Genre

In steps 1 & 2, you're bound to find previous authors who also covered the same topics as you did. You would learn a lot more about the field and hopefully, would have a fail-proof book proposal ready by the end of your research.

There are various other aspects of submitting a successful book proposal and the audience plays a very important role in the process. You will be able to find a lot of how-to books on various sites like Mediagemm, which covers the writing and publishing fields.

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